Come home to a warming bowlful of this scrumptious, low-fat soup. Satisfying & simple to prepare, this homemade soup is a great light way to start your iftar with.

I always avoid starting with dairy and cream rich food when I am hungry because it is a constant bloating and pain for my tummy.

The combination of the leek and celery add a fabulous deep flavor to this dish, I love cooking with celery!

Any leftovers stay great in the fridge yo enjoy the next couple of days.
so let us start with the recipe!

If you like soup recipes and want some more ideas, check my soup section for healthy light ideas!

celery and leek detox soup
2018-06-04 12:19:49

Serves 6
Come home to a warming bowlful of this scrumptious, low-fat soup. Satisfying & simple to prepare, this homemade soup is a great light way to start your iftar with.
it is cream free with nothing than light healthy ingredients to ease your stomach before having your iftar.
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
30 min
- 100 g carrots
- 200 g celery stalk
- 2 medium onions
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 200 g leeks
- 200 g green beans *
- 2 cups broccoli, cut into small florets
- 200 g zucchini
- 2 tomato head
- 1 Tbsp. rapeseed oil*
- 1.5 L organic chicken or vegetable stock or water*
- 1 tsp.salt
- 1 tsp. white pepper
- 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
- Trim, peel and roughly slice the carrots and celery.
- Peel and roughly chop the onions.
- Peel and finely mince the garlic.
- Cut the ends off the leeks, wash them under running water and cut them into 1 cm rings.
- wash and cut into half the green beans.
- Heat 1 tablespoons of oil in a large pan on a high heat, add all the chopped and sliced ingredients and cook for 10 minutes, until softened, stirring regularly.
- Meanwhile, wash and cut the zucchini into quarters than cut into 1 cm cubes.
- pour the vegetables stock into the veggies pan and stir to mix.
- add the broccoli,zucchini and tomato and mix it all together.
- Bring to the boil, season with salt and pepper to taste,then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes with the lid on, then remove from the heat.
- You can either serve it as it is or you can blend it until smooth with a blender.
- For a Paleo friendly version you can just omit the beans
- you can easily replace the rapeseed oil with olive oil.
- For the stock use the vegetable one or water to keep it a vegan soup.
- You can add some fresh chopped herbs after removing from heat to boost up the flavors a little bit, if you like herb flavors like me you can add some fresh chopped basil or thyme .
Anna Cooking Concept